Many people across the country have been following the headlines regarding Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos’ divorce from MacKenzie Bezos. Readers in this state may have been especially interested because the divorce was filed in a Washington court. This state is one of nine in the country that operate under community property division laws.
As is often the case when a celebrity is involved, the media published a lot of controversial stories regarding possible infidelity and other matters that most spouses would prefer to have kept private. In the end, however, both Bezos and his ex published posts online stating they were satisfied with their final settlement. Many business analysts worried about the possible negative effect the divorce might have on Bezos’ Amazon empire.
This famous couple was married for approximately 25 years and share four children. Bezos’ net-worth was valued at around $150 billion. MacKenzie reportedly surrendered 75% of her Amazon shares and also her voting control. She still apparently walked away from the settlement as one of Amazon’s four largest shareholders.
Divorce can be messy, especially when there are high assets at stake. However, this former couple appear to be among divorced spouses in Washington who are able to amicably resolve critical issues so that both parties are satisfied with the final agreement. And it appears they have accomplished this with a minimum of personal acrimony. A spouse who is concerned about property division or other issues such as child custody may reach out for legal support by requesting a consultation with an experienced family law attorney before heading to court.