Many relationships are cyclical. You and your spouse may go through a rough patch, only to use the difficulty of that bad point in your relationship as a springboard into increased intimacy and a more satisfying connection. Marriage means making a long-term commitment...
Month: August 2020
Arbitration can help former spouses who can’t seem to agree
The idea of pursuing a litigation alternative during your divorce is pleasant on the surface. The idea of working together with your ex and getting to maintain control over the terms of your divorce can seem like an ideal solution to a difficult situation and mirrors...
How does dissipation impact a pending Washington divorce?
When the Washington family courts have to make a decision about how to split up assets during a divorce, one of the first things they will do is establish the value of the marital estate. The couple divorcing will typically provide financial information to the court...
Seeking sole custody? Here’s what you need to do
You love your child so much that you can’t imagine having times when you don’t see them. On top of that, you don’t trust your spouse. The last three times you left your child alone with them, your child threw tantrums when you got home. Whenever you’re gone, they’re...