As you may know, litigation alternatives like mediation and collaborative law are available for divorcing Everett, Washington, residents. These alternatives, especially divorce mediation, appeal to many because they are generally: Faster More affordable Less...
Month: January 2022
Millennial marriage trends may increase the likelihood of divorce
There are lots of habits and factors that might play a role in the possibility of a couple going through a divorce after they’ve gotten married. Sometimes, there are financial issues that cause problems. Other times, people simply grow apart. One marriage trend that a...
A parenting evaluation can play a role in child custody matters
If you are getting a divorce as a parent, you may already know that Everett, Washington, courts make decisions that put your child’s best interests first. These courts have several tools to aid them in preserving the best interests of your child. One of these tools is...
3 ways to get past a child custody dispute
When you’re dealing with a custody dispute after you’ve divorced, there are a few different things you can do to resolve the problem. You have options like taking your ex-spouse back to court to modify custody or asking to hold them in contempt for withholding...