The harsh reputation of divorce has been somewhat softened in recent years by various alternatives to litigation. Couples are gradually starting to realize that if their marriage is never going to work, then it’s ok to let go. One of the most popular alternatives to a litigated divorce is mediation.
Mediation works on the basis of open communication, low conflict and equitable solutions. If you do the following things then what should be a relatively easy process could become quite problematic.
Refuse to compromise
Mediation only works if all parties come to the negotiating table with an open mindset. Nobody is going to walk away with absolutely everything they want. Some compromise will be necessary. This isn’t the case just for mediation, but for any type of divorce. If either spouse enters with a stubborn mindset then mediation could be over before it has begun.
Burn yourself out
The whole point of mediation is that it is supposed to be less formal and stressful than a courtroom battle. Meetings are typically held in a small room rather than a court, and there is much more flexibility in terms of scheduling. In short, there really is no reason to burn yourself out. By going at your own pace, it’s likely that negotiations will actually be more efficient. What matters most is constructive conversations and, of course, your well-being.
Divorce mediation works for many couples and it could just be right for you. Before making any commitments, be sure to seek some legal guidance.